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HomeWear's Your Gear Contest
Kristen Kirby  St. Johns, Antigua  February 2020   3982 miles
San Juan 3721miles                         St. Johns

Joe and Mireille Clare   January 2020
Wailau River Kauai Hawaii   2698miles


Star  Pensacola Fl  2883m April 12 19

Star Pensacola
Rick & Natalie Van Cleave   Kauai at Hanalei Bay  4367m  March 2019

August 2018  Howard & Mary Springer   Machu Pichu 5188
June 2018  Bill & Kathy Bonney  Belfast  London   4776 miles


Monthly Contest

Photo Content:
Photo must be of club gear being worn in a public place (club sponsored event locations don’t count; i.e. lake rentals, club mtgs, etc.).


Photo Winner:
Winning photo will be taken the farthest from home based on mileage (no limit on number of photos, but no individual may win more than two times).


Submitting Photos:
Photos will be submitted monthly by date received and must be sent in by the last day of the month.

Submit to Star  at

Photo Content:
Photo must be of club gear being worn in a public place (Club sponsored event locations don’t count. i.e. Lake rentals, club mtgs, etc.).

Photo Winner:

2018 winning photo will be taken the farthest from home.


Submitting Photos:
Photos must be taken any time during the year and submitted by December 31st
Submit to Star  at


(winner will be announced at the club’s Annual Winter Party)
– 1000 club bucks at the Winter Party (must be present to win) and…
… will be considered for the following year’s handbook cover photo!